Top tips for a kissable smile


Valentine’s day is just around the corner and whether you are long term coupled or just starting something new, Valley Dental Practice have some top tips to ensure a beautiful, kissable smile.

Maintain your oral hygiene

This may seem obvious but the best way to ensure the health of your smile is to brush your teeth for at least two minutes, twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste. You should also use interdental cleaning aids to clean between teeth, removing any food that may become trapped. It is this food which if left will start to decay and is the leading cause of bad breath, which was found by the Oral Health Foundation to be the number one reason first dates fail.

Don’t over shareDon’t-over-share

Despite being bad for your health (and let’s face it, a bit gross) 26% of British adults are reportedly happy to share their toothbrush – and not just with their partners. Friends and family all qualify to share but this leaves you extremely vulnerable to picking up germs.

The mouth is home to hundreds of different bacteria, which can be easily passed from one person to another if you share your toothbrush. This also increases the risk of picking up colds, viruses and a kiss’ biggest enemy – cold sores!

Avoid Stains

Certain foods, drinks and lifestyle habits can be notoriously bad for staining teeth. Anything that has the potential to stain a top or a tablecloth has the potential to stain your teeth. Smoking can also cause yellowing of the teeth, the only way to avoid this is by giving up the cigarettes!Avoid-Stains

Book an appointment with the hygienist

Your smile is one of the first things that other people notice about you. Be sure to impress your date with your bright and radiant smile! Treat yourself to an appointment with our hygienist, who will remove any plaque and calculus present on your teeth for a truly kissable smile.

Consider cosmetic dentistry

You may not have time to get anything extensive completed before Valentine’s day, but you could get it booked in ready for the summer so you have something to be excited about, even if you can’t smile about it just yet!

Get regular check upsCalendar

The best way to preserve your smile and avoid nasty problems? Regular check-ups with your dentist. Even if you think things are looking and feeling ok, it’s still essential to maintain regular appointments to help prevent problems before they start and keep your smile in peak condition.

Want to get your smile kiss ready? Call Valley Dental Practice on 01255 220322 and book a consultation today.

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