Dental care doesn’t just stop when you become pregnant. In fact, it is even more important to keep your oral health in check when pregnant as you are at higher risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease and other issues.

The dentist will recommend that you make several appointments during your pregnancy to check the health of your teeth and gums, to maintain your oral hygiene routine and to carry out any necessary treatments.

X-rays during pregnancy

One of the most common concerns people have about visiting the dentist when pregnant is being exposed to radiation from x-rays.

However, modern dental x-rays use very low doses of radiation and a single dose is not usually high enough to cause any adverse effects in the development of the foetus. Your dentist will also make sure your baby is shielded from the radiation by using a lead apron and thyroid guard.

Although x-rays are safe, your dentist may still recommend avoiding them during the first trimester if you’re only having a routine check-up. But if you have a dental emergency or a severe, non-specific pain, x-rays could still be needed to help your dentist plan your treatment effectively.

Anaesthetic during pregnancy

Anaesthetic can be used safely while pregnant, to help you relax and numb the pain. It is important that you inform the dentist about your pregnancy so that they can ensure that they choose the most suitable anaesthetic and dosage. Your dentist will use the lowest possible concentration of anaesthetic but still enough to ensure that you do not experience any pain or discomfort.

Teeth whitening and cosmetic procedures during pregnancy

Teeth whitening is not safe to perform during pregnancy and the dentist will advise that along with any cosmetic dental treatment, this should be left until after your child is born.

Avoiding dental problems during pregnancy

It is important that you follow a good oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth twice a day and use interdental cleaning aids daily. It is also important that you attend for your regular dental appointments to ensure any problems can be identified and treated quickly.

If you are suffering with morning sickness, you should avoid brushing your teeth straight after as this can damage the enamel surface of your teeth. Instead, rinse your mouth with water and brush after waiting 30 minutes.

Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the surgery on 01255 220322